Sitemap - 2024 - Canopy Newsletter
20 questions to self-reflect on for 2024
How to get your team to take more ownership
The problem with most L&D strategies
What is my role as a leader this week?
Curtailing the cringe of performance reviews
When you're having a hard week
"How to deal with a micromanaging boss?"
Moving from accusation to helpfulness
Disappointing your direct reports
Giving feedback on something subjective
New! 🔥 "Setting Goals and Expectations" in Canopy
On losing steam – and regaining it.
Skip-level meetings in smaller companies
How to coach junior team members
The quickest way to improve as a leader
The secret to hard performance conversations
The 4 keys to creating team accountability
Breaking the exclusivity of executive coaching: Introducing our AI Assistant
The Scale-Up Guide to Upskilling Managers
Stop being so nice all the time
The Impossible Role of a Player-Coach